A woman with glasses, smiling.
Stories / April 20 2023

A Grieg veteran’s journey from the front desk to accounting

For over 30 years, the Grieg Group has been Yngvild Sæther’s (53) career path.

She describes a stable but challenging workplace with good values. And, of course, great colleagues. It is also where she met her husband.

– I actually met him at the inauguration party for the Grieg Group offices, Grieg-Gaarden, here in Bergen, Yngvild Sæther begins

– That was back in 1991. This year we have been married for 27 years and have three children together.

For more than 30 years, the Grieg Group has had a big impact on her life, both professionally and personally. Her mom worked here, and that is how she first landed summer jobs and extra jobs here as a student.

– During my time at Grieg Maritime Group, there has been an enormous development in the company. When I started working here we managed five ships. Now we manage 25, but our work days were just as busy back then, she lively explains.

Thinking back to a time without the Internet, things were done in a very different way. Telex and fax feels like ages ago for the accountant, now in the midst of a digitalisation process, switching to a cloud-based accounting system.

Two people talking, standing by a rudder in the office.

Working her way through the organization

She describes herself as a veteran at Grieg, being here for more than three decades, working her way up from temporary jobs to permanent positions. She first started at the front desk and the switchboard in Grieg Gaarden, and is currently working in the accounting department in Grieg Maritime Group AS.

– After working as an Office Service assistant and Safety & Quality secretary, I have seen many sides of the organization, which is a strength when you work with accounting. Now I mainly work with operational accounting for the ships. We have a natural cycle with monthly closings and quarterly reports that form our workdays, in addition to other ongoing assignments.

A woman with glasses, smiling.


More than just a place to work

Spending pretty much all of her work life with one employer, would not have happened without a love for both the workplace and her colleagues.

– Grieg is a good place to work! I like what the company represents. I’m proud of the Grieg Foundation, and especially the contributions to culture, health and research.

She also describes her coworkers as friends. They even have a hiking group that tries to meet up every Wednesday after work to hike the mountains surrounding Bergen.

– The Grieg Group values physical activity, and I have a lot of active colleagues. A great deal of my colleagues run marathons, and the uphill races in the Bergen mountains. But when they ask how long time we spent getting up to one of the mountains, I simply reply:  – «Vi går ikke på tid, vi går på tur», translating to something like “We don’t care about the pace, we care about the hike”.


Five people standing with their back to the camera and hands up with mountains in the background.

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